To find post details, click the desired postcard to open it to the post details view. If you published a post to multiple accounts, swipe between the accounts to see the account-specific detailed information. The post details view shows you detailed information about the content of the post.
The information depends on the status of the post:
At the top of the view: publishing date, account profile pictures, total reactions to the post, and the currently selected account name. Click the menu on the top right to get the options for actions available for the post.
At the bottom left, you'll find insights specific to your account. Please note that due to certain platform limitations, account-specific insights may not be available for all platforms.
On the bottom right, there's an option to 'Show post'. This feature allows you to view your published post on the native platform. Keep in mind that for certain platforms (e.g., Facebook), you need to be logged into a browser to view the post. 'Show post' is a convenient feature to view your published post live and engage with your audience.
At the top of the view: scheduled date, account profile pictures, creation time of the post, and the currently selected account name.
Click the menu on the top right to get the options for actions available for the post.
At the top of the view: date for the next scheduled post, recurring details, account profile pictures, creation time of the post, and the currently selected account name. Click the recurring details box to manage the recurring details of the posts.
Click the menu on the top right to get the options for actions available for the post.
At the top of the view: creation time of the post, account profile pictures, and the currently selected account name.
Click the menu on the top right to get the options for actions available for the post.
At the top of the view: publishing/failed date, account profile pictures, creation time of the post, and the currently selected account name. In most cases, the error description and troubleshooting instructions are displayed within a box outlined in red. Additionally, you'll find action buttons for quick responses, such as 'Contact us' and 'Retry' as shown in the image above.
Click the menu on the top right to get the options for all actions available for the post.